Divorce Links

Divorce Tip Book
Child Custody disputes
I have been charged with sexual abuse
Get out of the House
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
New partner
Let them know there is danger
Shared parenting and abuse
During divorce
Hair test for drugs
Tell the truth about drugs
How to get Alimony.
Lump sum or payments
More alimony and less child support
Property and Divorce
Mediation may be the answer.
Saving on legal expenses
Nothing to fight over in divorce
Basic questions
Help through books
Exclusive possession
Your money
How do I find a lawyer
The finances of dating
Do not agree to anything without being informed
Getting ready to file for divorce
What to tell the children
When you can't find your estranged spouse
Money from inlaws
The divorce process duration and waiting period
Inform your children together
Preparing for the storm
To divorce or not to divorce
Divorcing when children are young
Putative fathers
Hiring a lawyer
Know the law for your state
Different states, different laws
To use a lawyer or not to use a lawyer
Keeping your credit in the black
What to look for in a lawyer
When you are served with a motion for divorce
How to start an action for divorce
Child Support
Custody and support
Deductions and child support
Filing for child support
Changes in child support
When to file for child support
When to start paying child support
How to calculate child support
Paying child support
Calculating child support
Children’s Rights
Teens who want to change custody
Allowing children to have more or less time
Don't put your kids in the middle
How to tell the children that you are getting a divorce
How to model behavior for your children
Who gets what
Acting Out
Co-parenting creates a healthy child
Respecting your children's anger
Serving Court Papers
Children's special events
Children should be able to speak freely
No Bad Mouthing
Your Child Is not a Message Center
Children have the right not to answer questions
Children's school work
Children's gifts
Children and the holidays
Help your children see the good
Mediation and divorce
Talking to your children
When the children complain
What your ex should know
Involving the children
We made an agreement without my lawyer
Stay Calm
Build a dialog with your children
Different children, different ways of coping
Communication Is Important
Sometimes children say good-bye
Your role in parental alienation
How to communicate without talking
The child support check
Parent Education Programs
Fathers in custody evaluations
Dividing the children
Second marriages
Going into treatment with your children
Counselling as a means to an end
Talking it out
When you need a therapist
Custody & Visitation
Visitation for children under one year of age
Custody Evaluations
Sending the children on visitation
Shared parenting
Child care plan
Step-parents as parents
The meaning of custody
The meaning of visitation
Getting the children out of the line of fire
Keeping custody
Fathers with custody.
Joint custody
A joint custody agreement
The children's belongings
Custody means being in charge
Holiday blues
The death of a marriage
Lonely? Get connected!
Depression in the person you are divorcing
The emotional roller coaster of divorce
Fighting depression
No one likes change
Domestic Violence
In laws
What is domestic violence?
When parents fight
Men as victims of domestic violence
Males who are battered
Children who live with domestic violence
The Holidays
My spouse hurts my dog
Parents at war-risk having their children held hostage
I am in love, but it hurts.
Temporary orders of protection
Quick divorce
Emotional security
Not my spouse but not my ex
Develop a reliable support system
A bedroom for two is now a bedroom for one
Change patterns
Separation, reunions and then the same old dance
The social divorce
Ask your date questions
Your children's feelings
The death of an ex's family member
Don't Expect Too Much
Dividing the furniture
Don't take it out on the children
Stop the fighting
Telling the children they are loved.
Setting realistic goals
Selective dating
Don't put the kids in the middle
Dad's support groups
Remember Holidays
Honesty is the best policy
Accept that it's over
Let the children spend more time with extended family
Discuss your dating with your children
Don't compete
Forensic evaluations
Forensics are not therapy
Signing release forms
Custody\visitation evaluations
Custody\visitation plan
Home visit
Forensic evaluators
Preparing for the evaluation process
Preparing the children for the evaluator
Group Support
Finding a support group
Saving money on lawyers fees
Moms and the holidays
Finding the right support group.
You're not alone
Parents Without Partners
Financial healing
Giving up the familiar pain
Maintaining your routine
Taking care of yourself
How to heal
When the pain passes it is time to start anew
Changes in your ability to parent.
Holiday survival
Surviving Divorce
An area of expertise
Building a true meaning for your holidays
Blind Dates
Never date strangers
Taking responsibility
How many lawyers.
Community property and inheritance
Divorce and paperwork
The role of a Law Guardian
Free legal services a rare find
Quick deeds
Legal billing
Using a paralegal
New Relationships
New relationships and children
The holidays
Who caused the marriage to fail.
Dating while going through a divorce
New person in my life, now the ex wants custody
Separation Agreements
Pension for the house
Think Ahead
Teens and divorce
Separation agreements and divorce
Your divorce and your teen
Teens and visitation
Lonely teens
Teens wanting to choose who to live with
Teens and sexuality
Divorce Newsletter Archive
Let the children spend more time with extended family
Selective dating
Setting realistic goals
Stop the fighting
The death of an ex´s family member
The social divorce
Preparing for the evaluation process
What to look for in a lawyer
Taking responsibility
Mediation and divorce
Children and the holidays
Saving money on lawyers fees
We made an agreement without my lawyer
Finding a support group
Financial healing
Your role in parental alienation
Teens and visitation
Teens wanting to choose who to live with
Dating while going through a divorce
New person in my life, now the ex wants custody
The role of a Law Guardian
Exclusive possession
To divorce or not to divorce
How to tell the children that you are getting a divorce
When you are served with a motion for divorce
Children who live with domestic violence
The divorce process duration and waiting period
Mediation may be the answer.
Child Custody disputes
Get out of the House
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
Tell the truth about drugs
Lump sum or payments
More alimony and less child support
Calculating child support
Paying child support
Custody Evaluations
Getting the children out of the line of fire
Sending the children on visitation
The meaning of visitation
Surviving Divorce
Telling the children they are loved.
New relationships and children
How do I find a lawyer
Preparing the children for the evaluator
Communication Is Important
Don´t Expect Too Much
Stay Calm
Your Child Is not a Message Center
Males who are battered
Lonely? Get connected!
Honesty is the best policy
Never date strangers
Blind Dates
Ask your date questions
Forensics are not therapy
Custody\visitation plan
Home visit
Divorcing when children are young
Going into treatment with your children
Your divorce and your teen
During divorce
I have been charged with sexual abuse
Hair test for drugs
Separation agreements and divorce
Inform your children together
What to tell the children
Allowing children to have more or less time
Children´s school work
Don´t put your kids in the middle
Help your children see the good
No Bad Mouthing
Teens who want to change custody
Acting Out
How to communicate without talking
What your ex should know
When the children complain
Dividing the children
Fathers in custody evaluations
The child support check
When you need a therapist
Help through books
Holiday survival
Taking care of yourself
Talking it out
You´re not alone
Depression in the person you are divorcing
Fighting depression
No one likes change
The death of a marriage
I am in love, but it hurts.
Men as victims of domestic violence
Change patterns
Dad´s support groups
Develop a reliable support system
Discuss your dating with your children
Dividing the furniture
Let the children spend more time with extended family
Selective dating
Setting realistic goals
Stop the fighting
The death of an ex´s family member
The social divorce
Preparing for the evaluation process
What to look for in a lawyer
Taking responsibility
Mediation and divorce
Children and the holidays
Saving money on lawyers fees
We made an agreement without my lawyer
Financial healing
Teens and visitation
Teens wanting to choose who to live with
Dating while going through a divorce
New person in my life, now the ex wants custody
The role of a Law Guardian
Exclusive possession
To divorce or not to divorce
How to tell the children that you are getting a divorce
When you are served with a motion for divorce
Children who live with domestic violence
The divorce process duration and waiting period
Mediation may be the answer.
Child Custody disputes
Get out of the House
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
Tell the truth about drugs
Lump sum or payments
More alimony and less child support
Calculating child support
Paying child support
Custody Evaluations
Getting the children out of the line of fire
Sending the children on visitation
The meaning of visitation
Help your children see the good
Exclusive possession
Shared parenting
How to tell the children that you are getting a divorce
Shared parenting
Setting realistic goals
Parent Education Programs
When you are served with a motion for divorce
Accept that it´s over
Get out
Children Who Live With Domestic Violence
Saving on legal expenses
Hiring a lawyer
Setting realistic goals
Hiring a lawyer
Saving on legal expenses
What to tell the children
Keeping your credit in the black
When you are served with a motion for divorce
Lump sum or payments
What to tell the children
Shared parenting
Tell the truth
The death of an ex´s family member
Get out
The death of an ex´s family member
Served with a motion for divorce
Setting realistic goals
What to tell the children
Saving on legal expenses
Hiring a lawyer
Know the law for your state
Step-parents as parents
Divorce - tips Newsletter Issue 17, Valuing a 401k plan
Divorce - tips Newsletter Issue 16, Make sure the language meets the IRS standards
Divorce - tips Newsletter Issue 15, Tax advice on splitting up the marital property
Divorce - tips Newsletter Issue 14, Free Tax Planning
Divorce - tips Newsletter Issue 13, Preparing Your Taxes
Divorce - tips Newsletter Issue 12, Enjoy the holidays
Divorce tips newsletter #11 Divorced Dad`s holiday
Divorce tips newsletter #10 Alone for the Holidays
Divorce-tips Newsletter, Issue 9: Planning for the holidays
Divorce-tips Newsletter, Issue 8, Setting an Example
Divorce-tips Newsletter, Issue 8, Celebrating the Holidays
Divorce-tips Newsletter, Issue 7, Communication over the holidays.
Divorce-tips Newsletter Issue 5, Prepare for the Holidays
Divorce-tips, Issue 5, Helping Children Deal with Going Back to School
Divorce-tips Newsletter Issue 4: Moms Who Aren`t the Custodial Parent.
Divorce-tips Newsletter, Issue 2, Coping with Divorced Parents
Divorce-tips.com Newsletter, Issue 1, Notify School of Changes
Divorce Frequently Asked Questions
When should I introduce my new love interest to the children?
My spouse is charging up a storm, what do I do?
Can I give my spouse the Court petition when he comes for the children
My teenager is driving me crazy, what do I do?
How can I get the Court to see that my ex uses drugs.
Why shouldn´t my children know that me ex cheated on us?
My husband´s family claim we owe them money, will I have to pay?
Should I admit that I did drugs in the past?
How do we tell the children we are getting a divorce?
Can I just agree with a change in our prior agreement?
Why can´t my ex and I be friends?
How much child support should I get?
What do I do with my life now, how do I survive/
Can I bring my love home for the holidays?
Will mediation prevent my spouse from getting a divorce?
My husband is willing to double my alimony, why?
How do we handle the children when we can´t speak to each other?
Why don´t my children want to go back home?
The children do not want to go home.
Why do I need to pay to have my divorce papers served?
What can I do to cut the costs of my legal fees?
Do It have to use a divorce lawyer?
Can I get half of everything?
Who gets what, how is figured out?
Can I just ignore the divorce papers I was given?
Should I leave my husband?
Should I leave the house?
Why is my spouse offering me the house instead of alimony?
My ex wants to share the parenting, wont this confuse our child?
My ex is offering one large alimony payment is this a good offer?
What is the difference between occupancy and possesion?
Where do I look to find the right lawyer?
Can I just take the children and move?
I want to move who will have to travel with the children?
What do I say when the children say mom has a boyfriend?
My ex´s mother died what should I do?
Will my spouse get half of everything?
What do I do when my son looks at me with his father´s look?
My child saw a fight between my self and my spouse, will he forget it?
I don´t want to fight all I want is a divorce, what can I do?
Do we need mediation?
Is mediation as good as a contested divorce?
What can we do if we do not agree but do not want the Court to decide
Should I wait for the Court to order support.
My A student teen is failing everything, why?
Is it better for my children if I wait until they are grown to divorce
What is parental alienation?
Can I just get a mail order divorce?
My teen does not want to visit, why?
My ex is paying for everything, will it continue?
Can men recieve alimony?
Can I get alimony?
Will my spouse have to pay me alimony?
My divorce is not final, can I start to date?
What do I need to start a divorce action?
He says he loves me but he hits me is it love?
Does everyone feel as lonely, angry, crazy as I do right now?
I want to end my marriage where do I start?
How do I know how much child support I should pay?
How can we plan for our children?
How can we split our property
I can´t believe what my child said happened, who do I call?
Where can I find a support group?
My ex is abusing my child must I bring the child back to my ex?
Where do I go now?
When will my divorce end?
I have a separation agreement, will I need a divorce?
How do I draw up a separation agreement?
Should I just sign over the house and be done with it?
What is a forensic evaluation?
My teen has stopped seeing his friends, why?
I just want the fighting to stop, how will it end?
Should we wait until the children are older before we divorce?
I want a divorce but I don´t want to be the bad guy, what do I do?
My children are upset because we fight
I was not prepared for such suffocating lonliness! What to do?
It is holiday time and all I can do is cry, why?
This is the first holiday without my children, what do I do?
My teen wants to live with my spouse, what do I do?
My ex will give me the house if I give up their pension,is this good?
How do I get free legal representation?
It is holiday time I have no money! How can I celebrate?
My children want to be with me for the holidays, do they have to go?
I think my teen is depressed, what do I do?
Will I ever be normal again?
My ex abused me,why?
What is joint custody?
Why don´t the children or my ex like my new companion?
How can I send my children to private school on this support?
Can we just agree?
I feel depressed should I see a doctor?
What is a custody evaluation?
I feel like someone died, why?
Do I need to talk to my ex about my children?
We can´t talk without fighting, how can I say what needs to be said?
Can I get custody of my step-child?
what are the support guidelines?
When do I file for custody/
Why does my lawyer charge me when I call to complain about my spouse?
Why don´t our old friends like me anymore?
Can I claim my child on my income taxes?
Why does my ex get me so angry when we talk?
Where can I find someone who will understand?
When will I ever stop crying?
Since the divorce my child is not the same child why?
Why can´t my ex mind his own business?
How do I tell the children that I am leaving?
Should I go to see the marriage counselor for individual therapy?
Why do my children tell my ex everything?
How do we tell the children we are getting a divorce?
My teen get angry when I kiss my new love, why?
I think my ex is abusing my children what can I do?
If I report the abuse, will i be laughed at?
Why does it feel like something is missing?
Why shouldn´t I tell my children what their father is like?
Can I tell the children what my ex has done to me?
I just got a bill from my lawyer, is he kidding?
I do not have custody, how do I stay in contact besides visits?
How do I find a lawyer?
How do I trust the person who asked me out?
What is a child care plan?
Will the children be better adjusted if we co-parent?
Our relationship was so bad, why do I miss him?
My lawyer does not answer my questions, what should I do?
Should I buy the children clothes?
My ex wants to share the holidays, he was violent, what should I do?
Everytime I see my children they ask for something what do I do?
When will this end?
Can my child help me prove my ex is seeing someonelse?
I have an order of protection can we have a shared parenting plan?
Do we need a lawyer?
Why did the Court order Child Welfare to question my children?
My sixteen year old wants to move out, what do I do?
My wife hits me, what do I do?
Why are my children reacting differently?
We agree on everything, do I still need a lawyer?
Where do I start my divorce?
What do I need to begin a divorce action?
How do I stay healthy during a divorce?
We have a Pre-Marital Agreement, do we still need a lawyer?
How should we divide our property?
is there such a thing as divorce counseling?
Can I stay in the house until the baby is 18?
What can I do when my ex will not let me have my visits?
My child wants to stay home this weekend, what do I do?
My mother-in-law said she will keep me safe, will she?
Should I send my child a birthday card?
Why should I send my ex clothes with the kids?
Can I call my child´s teacher?
How do I find a lawyer I can trust?
When will I forget?
We agree can we use one lawyer?
I am getting a divorce for the second time why?
When can I file for child support?
Why do the children sound like her?
Why does it feel as though there is wall between myself and the kids?
Can I have the children ask their mother if they can stay longer?
Why does my child have a lawyer?
Can I tell the evaluator my plans for custody?
We are separated is he my ex?
Can I go to my home, if she has an order of protection?
Where do I find people who will understand?
How do I heal after a divorce?
How do I improve my emotional health?
Any good books about divorce?
How do I get through the emotional pain?
Do we even need a lawyer?
My children will not see me, what can I do?
If we agree to we need to get lawyers?
Why has my ex accused me of sexual abuse?
What do I do when my children tell me they had a good time with my ex?
Why did my lawyer tell me not to argue in front of the kids?
When should I start paying child support?
My ex and I fight when we exchange the children, what can I do?
What is a forensic evaluation?
Why can´t I have half the furniture?
Why does my ex send the children without clothes for their visit?
What does it mean when my spouse always makes me feel bad.
Where do I find support for fathers.
How do I let the children know I am not divorcing them?
Can I represent myself?
Where will I meet the evaluator?
We are not married what last name does my child use?
How do I handle my money?
Why do I need a lawyer?
Do I have to allow visits when I think my child is being mistreated ?
What do I tell the children when they ask if I am mad at dad?
Will they take my children if they know we fight?
Should the children and I go into therapy?
Should I give my phone number to a man I met on the bus?
Why do I cry when I go in my bedroom?
My ex does not understand, I have custody so what I say goes, right?
I can´t get credit, what do I do?
I want to see my baby every other weekend, isn´t this fair?
Why did the Judge say we have to see a psychiatrist?
What do I need to bring for this evaluation?
How do I live with a half furnished home?
Do I have to tell people I date that I have children?
When can I move?
Who can help me with parental alienation?
He was violent will the Court do something?
Can I get a divorce when I can´t find her?
Can I just get an automatic divorce is my spouse can not be found?
How soon should I start dating?
Who pays on a date?
What should I look for in a support group?
Should I go to clubs?
How do I start dating again?
Why do the children get upset when I ask about my ex?
My ex has custody, does that mean that I have to have her permission?
What do I say when my child feels left out of my ex´s life?
My husband has a violent temper. What should I do?
Why did my spouse leave?
My ex is suing me for custody, what can I do?
I cry all the time why?
What should I tell my children the evaluaton is about?
My children and I always feel out of place, where can we go?
My child wants to show my ex their report card, how do I get back?
Why does my ex buy our children´s love?
Why should my ex get to go to our child´s graduation?
I have been charged with sexual abuse, what do I do?
Who can I trust?
How can I help my children show their anger?
What can I do when my ex buys my children´s love?
Should I let the children sleep over at their grandparents?
Why did the Court order that my new partner not be around my child?
I am afraid to let my spouse visit the children what should I do?
What is joint custody?
Should I agree to joint custody?
Why does my spouse hurt the dog when he\she is mad at me?
Can I let my children meet my love?
What will I need for my forensic interview?
Is it true that father´s hardly ever get custody?
What do I tell the evaluator?
How do I survive the isolation?
Why can´t I just give my ex the support check when I pick my child?
Why can´t I get my support check when my ex gets our child?
My children keep crying what can I do?
Our life is upside down and the children are suffering, what do I do?
How do I learn to cook for one?
Should I give him\her another chance?
How do I survive the holidays while going through a divorce?
Is it okay if we each take one of the children?
How long does a divorce take in my State?

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Sheri Ann Richerson